We present the partner institutions of IDEAK and help you, in one way or another, to achieve your goals, contributing to the dissemination of Spiritism according to Allan Kardec.
- Editora Nobiltà (KARDEC Books) - It is the Publisher that intermediates, publishes and produces all the physical and digital books of the IDEAK project. Nobiltà is also a partner of IDEAK, which sponsors, in addition to the Publisher, all the technology involved with KARDEC Play.
More information:
https://www.nobilta.com.br- CCDPE-ECM The Center for Culture, Documentation and Research on Spiritism – Eduardo Carvalho Monteiro (CCDPE-ECM) is a civil, scientific, cultural, charitable, philanthropic and non-economic association. Founded on July 24, 2004, it has its own headquarters in the city of São Paulo, at Alameda dos Guaiases, 16 – Indianópolis. The entity has as one of its main objectives the management, conservation and availability to researchers and the interested public of historical sources that make up its collection, thus helping to preserve the memory of Spiritism and Spiritist culture.
Its thematic collection is currently composed of books, with more than 16,100 different titles, 12,000 copies of different newspapers, magazines and periodicals from several states and abroad; documents, letters and manuscripts; rare works; Photos; microfilms; K-7 tapes, videos and DVDs, with interviews and radio programs. In addition to having an infrastructure composed of computers and scanners that help in the management of information, availability and use of the collection by interested parties.
The CCDPE-ECM took the initiative to create an interconnected network composed of researchers, entities that own documentary collections of archives and collections of historical value, promoters and disseminators of knowledge, newspapers and magazines that disseminate research, professors, among others.
Those interested and researchers of the spiritist theme will find in the CCDPE-ECM portal an important source of reliable and safe information to help in the development and production of their projects. The CCDPE-ECM portal will make available - through the partnerships made - in addition to the historical sources and books that make up its own collection:
- information about researchers and groups inside and outside the academy that already work with this theme;
- entities/museums/foundations in Brazil and in other countries that maintain collections and documentary repository;
- newspapers and magazines that publish articles of scientific production and disseminate knowledge both in the academic field and outside it, making use of due methodological rigor;
- list of professors linked to teaching and research institutions, and potential interdisciplinary advisors from the most varied lines of research and knowledge;
CCDPE-ECM - Alameda dos Guaiases, 16 - Indianópolis, São Paulo - SP, CEP 04079-010.
More information: https://ccdpe.org.br/
- FEP - Spiritist Federation of Paraná (URE Norte) - Partner that has been with IDEAK since its foundation, contributing to the dissemination of publicity materials, the Institute's projects, especially KARDECPEDIA and all face-to-face and online events that took place.
More information:
http://feparana.com.br/ures/listagem/- Almmati Sistemas - Almmati Sistemas was founded in 2008 and operates exclusively in the construction and implementation of systems for business management.
Since then, the ERP Almmati Gestor system has been developed, which is the main software in a family of other auxiliary software.
Corporate activities involve two major aspects: Operational and Managerial. Each of these aspects requires specific needs and resources and since the beginning of activities, Almmati Sistemas has been very concerned about providing software that addresses both in a simple and objective way. In a word: Lean.
We understand that software must provide visual comfort and easy usability, without compromising operational needs. Automating processes, centralizing tasks on a screen and shortening the distance between the user and their final objective have always been our goals. The result is maximum productivity in every screen and process.
But contemplating only the operational aspect is not enough. The software tool must be integrated with the managerial and strategic processes of the companies, providing analysis, visions, graphs, historical demands, among others, so that the entrepreneurs have more assertiveness in their decisions and can face the fierce and borderless competition of today enhancing better results.
Over the years, we have dedicated all our company management experience to a single sector: Product distributors and all their challenges. Therefore, the slogan “Your most effective distributor” that we use is not just an advertising phrase, it is our mission.
Working with this focus, today we are responsible for managing hundreds of companies and thousands of users. Our goal is to conquer and maintain lasting and healthy relationships with our partners.
While numbers are key in the corporate world, people are key. And we highlight here in this brief summary of the institution that there is nothing more valuable than respect and relationship with human beings. Corporations are means, people are the end. Thus, we deeply respect and value all our employees and customers.
We value empathy, transparency and tirelessly seek better results.
More information: